Ever feel this way?

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Ever feel this way?

Ha! I know I have definitely felt that way a time or two in the past.

Changing your nutrition and your goals will always involve work. There is no denying that. But, if you feel like you are on a diet all the time then you’re probably not gonna stick with it.

If you catch yourself feeling this way right off the bat, you may want to analyze your diet and find out what you are restricting yourself of.

You might be restricting yourself of essential vitamins or minerals that are making you feel like it such as huge struggle to follow your plan.

I’ve had my clients do things as simple as just add a little bit more salt to their meals and it made following the diet plan 10 times easier.

So, just remember that when you are trying to make a change that there will definitely be some work in it, but it shouldn’t feel like a massive struggle day in and day out.

Dustin Williams
Dustin Williams
Dustin has been in the fitness industry for over a decade. In 2012 he realized that he needed to look deeper and have a better understand of how the nervous system played into movement, pain, and performance. He spends his life helping clients look at performance through a neurological lens and to work smarter, not harder.

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