Are you feeling old?

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Are you feeling old?

This cracks me up because there’s so much truth in it! Seems the older we get, the easier we hurt ourselves.

But, that doesn’t mean we can’t do anything about it. Our brains have their own ways of keeping us safe. Even if we don’t like it.

We can train our movement, vision, vestibular (inner ear), etc. All of these things can make our brains feel more safe so that we don’t get “injured” from something like a hard sneeze ?

So move! But move smart and move specific for YOU and what YOUR brain wants.

Dustin Williams
Dustin Williams
Dustin has been in the fitness industry for over a decade. In 2012 he realized that he needed to look deeper and have a better understand of how the nervous system played into movement, pain, and performance. He spends his life helping clients look at performance through a neurological lens and to work smarter, not harder.

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