Dustin Williams

January 9, 2019

Need to hear this?

Need to hear this? — We probably all do at least at a few different points in our lives. — Negativity destroys our happiness. I think […]
December 20, 2018

You even lift bro?

You even lift bro? — This is me with 4x Mr Olympia Jay Cutler. It was a fun photo, but man does he make me look […]
December 18, 2018

You telling lies?

You telling lies? — Ha! I think we all do sometimes. I know I’ve told myself that several times in the past. — How many times […]
December 17, 2018

Do you have willpower?

Do you have willpower? — I hear about this quite often – “I just don’t have any willpower.” — Did you get up this morning? Go […]