Dustin Williams

November 28, 2018

Ever tried this tactic?

Ever tried this tactic? — Unfortunately, not many people do. It’s quite amazing how many “experts” I talk to on the topic of exercise and nutrition. […]
November 22, 2018

Turkey Day Workout! ?

Turkey Day Workout! ? — Really proud of each person that made it out the morning of Thanksgiving to get in an hour long workout! — […]
November 22, 2018

One bad meal doesn’t make you fat!

One bad meal doesn’t make you fat! — In the exact same way that one good meal doesn’t make you skinny! — So, quit worrying about […]
November 20, 2018

Work Smarter, Not Harder.

Work Smarter, Not Harder. — You cannot judge your workout on how hard you worked. Our nervous systems aren’t designed to take a beating over and […]