Dustin Williams

November 17, 2018


Nutrition! — A topic I love learning more and more about. I’ve been studying it for 12 years now and I still have SO much more […]
November 16, 2018

My clients are amazing!

My clients are amazing! — We were able to donate just over 30 turkeys to the NWA Food Bank to help families in need this Thanksgiving. […]
November 2, 2018

Raise your hand ? if this is you!

Raise your hand ? if this is you! — Happens to me all the time! ? — I buy different foods with the best of intentions […]
November 1, 2018

Biscuit took a job this Halloween with UPS – United Puppy Service. In case anyone needs some tiny packages delivered.

Biscuit took a job this Halloween with UPS – United Puppy Service. In case anyone needs some tiny packages delivered.