Dustin Williams

October 23, 2018

Age Is Just A #

Age Is Just A # — People hear this all the time. But, there’s a lot of truth in it! I believe this! We are only […]
October 22, 2018

3 years later?!

3 years later?! — This does happen! Has it happened to you? I bet something along these lines has happened to most of us! — This […]
October 19, 2018

A Bear Crawl?

A Bear Crawl? — No I didn’t say a bear claw… which you would be surprised how many of my clients joke about that when I […]
October 18, 2018

Client Of The Month!

Client Of The Month! — Brock is our client of the month here at Precision Fitness. He has done amazing in the nine weeks he has […]