Dustin Williams

July 9, 2018

5 Biggest Nutrition Myths-Myth 1!

5 Biggest Nutrition Myths-Myth 1! — Salt! I always hear how salt is bad for you. Avoid salt! Never eat it! — Well, sodium is a […]
July 5, 2018

So, how many?

So, how many? — If you’re like a lot of people, then probably quite a few. It’s amazing how many people say “I’ll start next week”. […]
July 3, 2018

Do you have support?

Do you have support? — This is my grandpa in the photo. I’m walking him to his seat for my little sisters wedding. He’s definitely one […]
July 2, 2018

The entire body works together.

The entire body works together. — Miles came to me post knee surgery. We worked on strengthening and improving his knee, yes. But, we focused on […]