Dustin Williams

June 29, 2018

Truth bomb!

Truth bomb! — We have to stop looking at nutrition and exercise as an expense. Something that we just have to do. — We have to […]
June 28, 2018

Never Quit.

Never Quit. — You want a lesson in this? Just watch my client Josh. This man has made some unbelievable progress in the last few years. […]
June 26, 2018

When you spend all day in San Francisco humming the Full House theme song, you stop by the Full House house…

When you spend all day in San Francisco humming the Full House theme song, you stop by the Full House house…
June 26, 2018

Diet tip for you!

Diet tip for you! — Ha! If only this were true, wouldn’t life be so much better? — I just want you to remember to have […]