Dustin Williams

June 8, 2018

Commitment & Consistency.

Commitment & Consistency. — This is everything in fitness and health. We are ALL going to mess up. We are all going to make mistakes. We […]
June 6, 2018

Should we ever partial squat?

Should we ever partial squat? — Short answer….YES! — If you’re a serious lifter, I probably just angered you. To most gym rats, partials are a […]
June 5, 2018

Do you work through pain?

Do you work through pain? — It’s pretty common. When people exercise they work through pain quite often. They sometimes think it’s just part of it. […]
June 4, 2018

Felt this one before? ?

Felt this one before? ? — This one makes me laugh every time I read it. It really resonates with me. — You have heard me […]