Dustin Williams

June 1, 2018

Love it when clients work!

Love it when clients work! — You can see the joy in my face blurred in the back ground. He had just finished a solid workout. […]
May 31, 2018

Single joint mobility.

Single joint mobility. — In this photo, my client is showing her pain free shoulder movement on the left before and then on the right after. […]
May 30, 2018

Ever get hangry?

Ever get hangry? — I know I do! Does it happen a lot? There can be a multitude of reasons for those things happening. — The […]
May 29, 2018

Done a KickThrough?

Done a KickThrough? — I love this exercise. It’s a tough one. I love adding in a rotational component to different exercises. If you saw some […]