Dustin Williams

February 1, 2018

Is Vitamin C the best supplement during cold and flu season?

Right now we are in the middle of cold and flu season and I get asked pretty regularly for the best supplements to take at this […]
December 6, 2017

The best form of cardio

One question I get asked with regularity is what is the best form of cardio if you’re looking to lose fat. Check out the video to […]
November 29, 2017

Little known way to get better sleep naturally

Check out this video to find my typical go to when I have a client that tells me they are having trouble falling asleep or staying […]
November 22, 2017

The real secret to hydration

Here is a link to the study http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2015/12/23/ajcn.115.114769.abstract