Dustin Williams

June 8, 2019

Got allergies?

Got allergies? – This talk was all about how allergy symptoms are just a response to histamine. – The body reacts to the TOTAL amount of […]
June 1, 2019

I had the opportunity to lead the warm-up this morning for the “Take Steps” walk for the Chron’s & Colitis Foundation.

I had the opportunity to lead the warm-up this morning for the “Take Steps” walk for the Chron’s & Colitis Foundation. – I love seeing how […]
May 22, 2019

Mentality is everything!

Mentality is everything! – It’s easy to overlook the smaller ways we choose to look at something. But, something as simple as eliminating an “I have […]
April 1, 2019

Biggest Nutrition Myths of 2019 #3

Don’t eat eggs! They’re bad for you and will increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. The media seems to be having a hay day with this […]