Fall Asleep Faster | 6 Sleeping Tips | Get Better Sleep Naturally

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How to fall asleep faster and have better quality sleep!

We all have that friend that can fall asleep in under a minute and you wonder why you can’t do that!

I’m going to give you 6 things you can focus on that can help you fall asleep quickly AND help you to get more of that quality deep sleep that we all so desperately need. These solutions will help ensure you don’t just fix your sleep temporarily, but for the LONG TERM! Which, is what matters the most!

Avoid blue light at night
What IS blue light? Blue light is a light that activates the brain and lets your body know that it’s daytime. We get this from the sun, but in the evening it mostly comes from looking at screens like your phone, laptop, television, etc. First off, try not to stare at a screen before bed. Also, you can download apps on your phones and computers that will lower the level of blue light. You can also wear blue-blocking glasses.

This is an important mineral that helps calm down the brain and muscles. It also aids in the production of melatonin. It’s estimated that 75% of Americans don’t even get the minimum amount of magnesium needed daily from our diets. Do you get enough from your diet?

How to track vitamins & minerals video: https://youtu.be/2Y3mwro7bzo
Magnesium recommendation: https://amzn.to/2ZjoxTn

Too much sodium is a thing, but a lack of sodium can definitely impact sleep. Lack of sodium raises adrenaline. Lack of sodium wastes magnesium making the magnesium you might be getting less effective. If you are watching / limiting your salt intake, make sure you aren’t limiting it too much

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is necessary for your brain to receive signals from your eyes. It helps our brain understand the difference between daytime and nighttime. Lack of vitamin A can have a big impact on our circadian rhythm. (basically meaning, it’s dark outside, but you don’t feel like sleeping).

How to track vitamins & minerals video: https://youtu.be/2Y3mwro7bzo
Vitamin A recommendation: https://amzn.to/31Wf6el

Vitamin D
Most of America has a deficiency in vitamin D. There was a study done on vitamin D levels and sleep quality of 3k men. They measured total sleep time & sleep quality. The study found that low levels of Vitamin D were related to poor quality sleep and sleeping less than 5 hours a night. The best way to ensure you have adequate levels of Vitamin D – expose your skin to natural sunlight every day, eat vitamin D-rich foods, and supplement with a high-quality vitamin D.

Vitamin D recommendation: https://amzn.to/2Ziji6r

Eat enough food
If you chronically diet it’s going to impact your sleep. If you are always “dieting” it will be very hard to get all of the vitamins and minerals you need which can lead to several long term deficiencies. Being too far under your caloric needs will keep cortisol and adrenaline high and will directly impact sleep quality. Make sure to take diet breaks on occasion get all the vitamin and minerals you need.

There you have it! 6 things to focus on to get better quality sleep and to fall asleep faster!

Let me know if you have any questions on this and give me some feedback if you try any of these and what kind of results you see from them!

Dustin Williams
Dustin Williams
Dustin has been in the fitness industry for over a decade. In 2012 he realized that he needed to look deeper and have a better understand of how the nervous system played into movement, pain, and performance. He spends his life helping clients look at performance through a neurological lens and to work smarter, not harder.

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