Felt this one before? ?

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June 5, 2018
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Felt this one before? ?
This one makes me laugh every time I read it. It really resonates with me.
You have heard me talk about it before and you’re going to hear me talk about it again. Health and nutrition has to be a lifestyle!
Which, also means it has to be realistic for you. If you constantly feel like you’re missing out on everything and eating foods that you don’t like then you will never stick with your routine. Or you will never create a routine whatsoever.
Make sure that you are working hard and doing what’s necessary to reach your goals, but make sure that you are also enjoying life as well!

Dustin Williams
Dustin Williams
Dustin has been in the fitness industry for over a decade. In 2012 he realized that he needed to look deeper and have a better understand of how the nervous system played into movement, pain, and performance. He spends his life helping clients look at performance through a neurological lens and to work smarter, not harder.

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