Dustin is the Owner and Head Coach for Precision Fitness. He has been involved in the fitness world for over eleven years. He began training prior to going to Northeastern State University, where he received a bachelor’s degree in Finance. After he graduated and began work in the corporate setting, Dustin lost focus on health and wellness which in turn caused him to gain 40+ pounds. He realized he not only needed to change his habits, but that he also couldn’t imagine not helping others to do the same. He went back to school and became an NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. Now he has lost 50 pounds and continues to focus on his nutritional education and knowledge. He has attended one of the most prestigious boot camp training sessions in Las Vegas, and has also trained with 4X Mr. Olympia, Jay Cutler. Dustin has currently been training clients full-time for over 9 years. He has also been studying functional neurology for the last 4 1/2 years. He believed that looking at the body from purely a bio-mechanical standpoint was making him miss the big picture with what clients truly needed. He believes this will give him a more complete system to help people "take the brakes" off their nervous system to perform better and eliminate pain.

In addition to personal training, Dustin is an Entertainment Reporter for The Arkansas CW Network. He is a current best-selling fitness co-author of the book titled “The Fit Formula”. He was also invited to go to Hollywood, CA to accept a Quilly award for his book making the Best Sellers list on He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX affiliates as well as Newsweek, Men’s Health, USA Today, Yahoo! Finance, and He was also selected by Shape Magazine as one of the 50 Hottest Trainers of 2014. He has also won an Emmy Award for Executive Producing a film/documentary about a children’s orphanage in Acapulco. Most recently he was selected by the Arkansas Business Journal as a 40 Under 40 recipient for the state of Arkansas for 2016.