How To Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally Without Drugs

How To Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally Without Drugs
October 31, 2019
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If you see a doctor for high cholesterol, the typical way of dealing with it is to give you a pill in order to lower it.

But, what if you don’t want to take medication? Or what if you’re on medication, but want to be able to get your cholesterol at a healthy level WITHOUT the medication?

The best way to lower cholesterol naturally is to find out WHY cholesterol is high in the first place. It is most likely that there is something preventing cholesterol from being effectively used for its specific functions.

Be sure to check out the video to get all of the details and explanations!


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Dustin Williams
Dustin Williams
Dustin has been in the fitness industry for over a decade. In 2012 he realized that he needed to look deeper and have a better understand of how the nervous system played into movement, pain, and performance. He spends his life helping clients look at performance through a neurological lens and to work smarter, not harder.

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