Signs Of Potassium Deficiency (And How To Fix It)

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As of 2005, the RDA for potassium was at 4.7 grams. Less than 2% of Americans hit those numbers….again less than 2%! I think this makes it safe to say that a lack of dietary potassium in America is definitely a problem.

Low potassium is very hard to test for as around 98% of it lives inside your cells and not in the blood.

It typically will only show low in your blood if you’re entire body is extremely low in potassium.

This makes it even more important for you to

1. Watch for symptoms of low potassium
2. Make sure you’re getting enough in your diet.

In this video, I will explain the symptoms of low potassium, what might cause low potassium (besides not getting enough from our food), & how to go about making sure that you are getting enough potassium!

Be sure to check out the video to get all of the details and explanations! –>


Potassium Supplement Recommendation:

Join the “Dustin Williams Free Fat Loss & Nutrition” Facebook Group:

“How To Track Micronutrients”:

Dustin Williams
Dustin Williams
Dustin has been in the fitness industry for over a decade. In 2012 he realized that he needed to look deeper and have a better understand of how the nervous system played into movement, pain, and performance. He spends his life helping clients look at performance through a neurological lens and to work smarter, not harder.

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